
Anything beyond a 4-hour workday is unnatural for our time

I don't think the 4-day workweek that is so espoused on Reddit will fix the main issues with work today. It is the 8-hour workday that needs to go. It is complete bullshit. And yes, I know it used to be a 12-14 hour workday during the industrial revolution. That still does not change the fact that 8 hours is still way too high. Most humans can only concentrate for 2-4 hours without a break, after that concentration and energy for that day is pretty much consumed. So, if so many technological advancements have occurred since the last time we shortened the workday (1910s), why aren't we demanding that we shorten it again? Besides, most people only get 3 hours of work done in an 8 hour day. The rest is bullshit; a literal waste of your one life that you have. We need to demand a 4-hour workday or…

I don't think the 4-day workweek that is so espoused on Reddit will fix the main issues with work today.

It is the 8-hour workday that needs to go. It is complete bullshit. And yes, I know it used to be a 12-14 hour workday during the industrial revolution. That still does not change the fact that 8 hours is still way too high. Most humans can only concentrate for 2-4 hours without a break, after that concentration and energy for that day is pretty much consumed.

So, if so many technological advancements have occurred since the last time we shortened the workday (1910s), why aren't we demanding that we shorten it again?

Besides, most people only get 3 hours of work done in an 8 hour day. The rest is bullshit; a literal waste of your one life that you have.

We need to demand a 4-hour workday or just simply quit our jobs for all employed people and start a big revolution against the upper “leaders” who think they are something. Look at the french revolution, why cant we do something like that today, what is stopping us ?

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