
Tell me about the useless coworker at your job and their innovative ways of work-avoiding?

I have a coworker that really does close to nothing. Normally idgaf what one does or doesn't do. But the issue is when I/others have to pick up the slack and do double the amount of work, that this useless coworker could easily do themselves. They claim: – a task that takes 1 day, takes them a whole week. – act like they have too much on to help anybody else. – have excuses why it's others' fault or “genuine” reasons why a task couldn't get done on time. – act incompetent or like they don't know how to do something. – when a task is allocated and they have to do it, they will request constant training and hand holding for simple tasks. – after there is ongoing hand holding and they finally have to do something, they act like they were “pushed into the deep end” with something.…

I have a coworker that really does close to nothing.

Normally idgaf what one does or doesn't do. But the issue is when I/others have to pick up the slack and do double the amount of work, that this useless coworker could easily do themselves.

They claim:
– a task that takes 1 day, takes them a whole week.
– act like they have too much on to help anybody else.
– have excuses why it's others' fault or “genuine” reasons why a task couldn't get done on time.
– act incompetent or like they don't know how to do something.
– when a task is allocated and they have to do it, they will request constant training and hand holding for simple tasks.
– after there is ongoing hand holding and they finally have to do something, they act like they were “pushed into the deep end” with something.
– they will constantly have new ways to “simplify” our work, but really it means trying to find ways to do even less.
– ask for “help” but expect that others will show them exactly what to do.
– Do something half assed, and have the next person on the rotation do a “clean up” job.
– Group up with control freaks that like doing all the work, so they take ownership of this person's deliverables so they do even less.

The manager has caught wind and now this person has defined deliverables and accountability so this is dying down. But ffs.

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