
Excellent job but timesheets are more important than anything in the world.

I honestly needed to vent but figured my story was relevant to this sub. I work for an MSP company, we provide IT services to companies. I have a primary client I service I'm on site 3 days a week. Typically I work remote two days a week, but I'm September I had a special project for another client. I was learning a new job essentially for the two days a week. I was capable of doing it but it was an entirely different aspect of IT. During one of those weeks my primary client had a major outage with their phone system, their phone provider had been very poor performing and their equipment on site had issues. I found a work around and was able to bypass the equipment and get several of their phones running. In addition to that I figured out the issue with their av equipment…

I honestly needed to vent but figured my story was relevant to this sub. I work for an MSP company, we provide IT services to companies. I have a primary client I service I'm on site 3 days a week. Typically I work remote two days a week, but I'm September I had a special project for another client. I was learning a new job essentially for the two days a week. I was capable of doing it but it was an entirely different aspect of IT. During one of those weeks my primary client had a major outage with their phone system, their phone provider had been very poor performing and their equipment on site had issues. I found a work around and was able to bypass the equipment and get several of their phones running. In addition to that I figured out the issue with their av equipment that would normally not be something someone in my position would know. But my background prior is video production so I was able to figure it out. I did several other work that went above and beyond expectations. The client liked my work so much they asked my company if I could be their on tech support 4 days a week and have my colleague only be there 1 day a week instead of two. During all of this I was experiencing a childcare crisis which honestly is a significantly longer story. But long story short we had a live in nanny we needed to let go because of her unwillingly to watch our children, disrespectful behavior and careless self centered attitude. She left on Friday and is supposed to work two more weeks. But we didn't know if she was coming back given her history. We found someone else to move into our house in less than a weeks notice. The bad nanny came back for the week and I had legitimate concerns for my children's safety. My wife works from home so keeping an eye on her isn't too bad. But we needed to keep a close eye on her. Anyways long story short I communicated this to my boss, my bosses boss who used to be my direct boss but due to restructuring there's now a middle manager who is inexperienced in managing. Lo and behold the star of this post. He does not have kids, he has no managing experience prior to being my manager. The company has been cracking down on timesheets they want them in at latest the next morning. Given my personal crisis, every day I was concerned I wouldnt be able to goto work but I worked my ass off to make sure I could, and I did such a good job the client wants me to be there more. Oh and I also got accepted into my company's high potential program which is designed to give you priority for promotions. This was all this past week and a half. Guess what today I get written up for my timesheets being in 3 days late. A fucking call in with HR and a formal write up. I'm honestly disgusted, he has a lot to learn about management. I'm still trying to process the balls on my manager.

By timesheets I should clarify, I need to write down every problem I fix and what the fix was. Not just how long it took.

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