
Lost my job due to epilepsy

I'm in a work from home position. Or I was. This last month my seizures have been a lot worse than they normally are. With me usually waking up on the floor with no memory of even getting out of bed that day. I kept in contact with the company throughout all of it, but I've been let go via email, stating that I never set up an extended medical leave through the 3rd party company they use for that. I tried to, but the website has been down for maintenance this whole month (which I documented and showed the company I was working for). Not to mention, I didn't think the seizures would stay this bad for this long (doctors said it's likely just my stress levels causing them to be so much worse, my blood work and everything came back normal.) And even if I had gone on…

I'm in a work from home position. Or I was. This last month my seizures have been a lot worse than they normally are. With me usually waking up on the floor with no memory of even getting out of bed that day. I kept in contact with the company throughout all of it, but I've been let go via email, stating that I never set up an extended medical leave through the 3rd party company they use for that. I tried to, but the website has been down for maintenance this whole month (which I documented and showed the company I was working for). Not to mention, I didn't think the seizures would stay this bad for this long (doctors said it's likely just my stress levels causing them to be so much worse, my blood work and everything came back normal.) And even if I had gone on leave, I'd have had no way of knowing how long it would have needed to be. It just. Feels like I'm stuck in a vicious cycle. Stress from work causes seizures, seizures cause missed work, missed work causes stress and finance trouble, finance trouble causes stress, all that added stress causes more seizures. I just. I don't know what to do. I'm scared. I need a work from home position that understands my medical position and is actually accommodating about it. And I'm even more stressed now knowing I've lost the job…. I don't know what to do.

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