
Crying Is Not Allowed

So I've started a new job recently, and it's been absolute hell. My training is garbage and half-assed, nobody wants to help me when I ask, everyone there except 3 people are rude/dismissive towards me, and my health has only gotten worse. I walked into work tonight after having an asthma attack on the way there, and I was already not feeling it. I ended up crying right as I got there because I was frustrated and not feeling well. One of the nice co-workers escorted me into the break room and tried to comfort me and give me advice. Then entered the sexist old fuck.. I was trying to mop up my tears while talking to him, but I was coherent and not yelling. I explained all of my concerns as calmly as I could, but he made it out to be like I was sobbing uncontrollably and incoherent.…

So I've started a new job recently, and it's been absolute hell. My training is garbage and half-assed, nobody wants to help me when I ask, everyone there except 3 people are rude/dismissive towards me, and my health has only gotten worse.

I walked into work tonight after having an asthma attack on the way there, and I was already not feeling it. I ended up crying right as I got there because I was frustrated and not feeling well. One of the nice co-workers escorted me into the break room and tried to comfort me and give me advice. Then entered the sexist old fuck..

I was trying to mop up my tears while talking to him, but I was coherent and not yelling. I explained all of my concerns as calmly as I could, but he made it out to be like I was sobbing uncontrollably and incoherent. Not the case. He kept backtracking and seemed really offended when I voiced my actual concerns. I told him with all due respect that I didn't think he was hearing me. This upset him, and he turned the statement back on ME.

He said “I think this should be brought up at the meeting, but you need to control/manage your emotions first. You're responsible for your own emotions.” What?? You can't just tell ME how to feel about MY own situation! I wasn't even crying that hard!

He then throws out the “I have 2 daughters who aren't much older than you…” as if that just gives him the power to understand how all young women feel about certain things. I even told him that in all honesty, his comment had offended me and you can't just tell people how to feel. Telling me to get in control of my emotions after crying once just kind of disgusted me, especially since I had valid, upsetting issues.

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