
Fired for asking for an apology

I was fired for asking for an apology. I was working as a contractor and received substantial abuse from my manager. I tried to work it out with them and they'd refuse to talk about it. I spoke up, told my staffing agency, even gave them a recording of this person screaming at me among other inappropriate behavior. I said I don't even need an apology, but I do need some kind of acknowledgement so that there's something, anything that says that this wasn't right (even if the manager disagrees with it). So, as you could probably guess, that's a bridge to far and in the same breath of saying “they're very complimentary of your technical ability” I was also fired. Off to the EEOC I go.

I was fired for asking for an apology. I was working as a contractor and received substantial abuse from my manager. I tried to work it out with them and they'd refuse to talk about it. I spoke up, told my staffing agency, even gave them a recording of this person screaming at me among other inappropriate behavior. I said I don't even need an apology, but I do need some kind of acknowledgement so that there's something, anything that says that this wasn't right (even if the manager disagrees with it). So, as you could probably guess, that's a bridge to far and in the same breath of saying “they're very complimentary of your technical ability” I was also fired.

Off to the EEOC I go.

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