
Did great in the interview – then told they may reach back within the next year or two

Don't want to get too much into the job, but basically their procedures make it that this has to be approved by so many people in the hierarchy that they might call me tomorrow, they might call me in two years. After that I should re-apply. I think it showed in my face because the hiring employee quickly added “but you are a great fit! a 98/100 score on our tests too so I know for sure you'll get the job!” It was so ironic too, they asked to study the company manual for the test, and 50% of the questions were about bureaucracy and efficiency, and I'm paraphasing here but things like “handling things in a timely manner is more important than following procedures” and I'm like are you sure????

Don't want to get too much into the job, but basically their procedures make it that this has to be approved by so many people in the hierarchy that they might call me tomorrow, they might call me in two years. After that I should re-apply.

I think it showed in my face because the hiring employee quickly added “but you are a great fit! a 98/100 score on our tests too so I know for sure you'll get the job!”

It was so ironic too, they asked to study the company manual for the test, and 50% of the questions were about bureaucracy and efficiency, and I'm paraphasing here but things like “handling things in a timely manner is more important than following procedures” and I'm like are you sure????

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