
I was told in my review that I need to go above and beyond so that our company will have “no choice but to acknowledge us and give us a raise.”

I had my review with my boss yesterday. I was told that because I am not actively picking up additional tasks and projects to contribute to the store that I am effectively not doing my job properly and was made to feel that I am dragging others down with me. For context, I am an assistant manager for a multinational retail corporation worth billions. I expressed my dissatisfaction with the company and how there was no incentive for me to try harder than the bare minimum given that I am barely payed a living wage even after having been with company for 8 years. My boss is seemingly indoctrinated into the belief that our store is somehow different than others because the company pays less attention to our store and we have to show them that we are worth paying attention to. A recent successful visit from our CEO confirmed…

I had my review with my boss yesterday. I was told that because I am not actively picking up additional tasks and projects to contribute to the store that I am effectively not doing my job properly and was made to feel that I am dragging others down with me. For context, I am an assistant manager for a multinational retail corporation worth billions. I expressed my dissatisfaction with the company and how there was no incentive for me to try harder than the bare minimum given that I am barely payed a living wage even after having been with company for 8 years. My boss is seemingly indoctrinated into the belief that our store is somehow different than others because the company pays less attention to our store and we have to show them that we are worth paying attention to. A recent successful visit from our CEO confirmed her beliefs, although to my knowledge there was no discussion of pay raises. In my eyes we are just being used by the corporation and it is not our responsibility to show them how a store should be properly run, but she seems to think it is. I don't know what she expects from me at this point and frankly I'm over it. I feel like I'm going insane.

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