
Would it be bad to quit my job after 1 day of training?

I (F17) went in for my first training shift for my first ever job today. It was very unorganised. A lot of the day was simply standing around with no instructions and the woman who was meant to be teaching us the whole day would just disappear at times. I felt quite excluded a lot of the time too and the trainer wasn’t very clear on what to actually do. She would ramble on and say it once (and sometimes i’d barely hear her) then get ONE person out of how many to practice on whichever station and some of us others weren’t able to try. This is a new fast food company in a new location (yet to open to the public) so it’s a huge group of us training at once (totally perfect for a person with social anxiety yk). I practically had an anxiety attack during the…

I (F17) went in for my first training shift for my first ever job today. It was very unorganised.

A lot of the day was simply standing around with no instructions and the woman who was meant to be teaching us the whole day would just disappear at times. I felt quite excluded a lot of the time too and the trainer wasn’t very clear on what to actually do. She would ramble on and say it once (and sometimes i’d barely hear her) then get ONE person out of how many to practice on whichever station and some of us others weren’t able to try.
This is a new fast food company in a new location (yet to open to the public) so it’s a huge group of us training at once (totally perfect for a person with social anxiety yk). I practically had an anxiety attack during the break because I felt so stressed on not knowing what was happening half the time.

Today was some people’s first days like me, and other’s not. There was a few things that they were having to teach us newbies (which I’m not sure is usual in training or not). When it came to doing things like cleaning, us newbies weren’t necessarily taught their specific protocols that they have so I was just lingering around feeling useless and in the way but some of the higher staff expected us to know things and were getting a little mad if we weren’t doing anything.

In the morning, she also blamed three of us for being late but we were getting changed into our new uniform that had just been given to us and had to do so in pitch blackness since their lights simply weren’t working which was great. She was gonna try and make us do some kind of forfeit as some sort of ‘punishment’.

Additionally, one of the general managers had set up a group chat weeks prior which he’s been harassing and spamming ever since too.

I literally worked 11 hours today and they expect me to do 11 hours again tomorrow then work at 7 in the morning some other time too. And also they seem to not be understanding that I have school during the week with tons of school work/university things on top of that – I think I’ve understood now that I don’t think I’ll be able to juggle working and school.

I’m pretty adamant on leaving, is it a bad thing to do so?

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