
Called my abusive owner’s bluff and quit

Over the last four years, the company I worked for had an awful owner who micromanaged everything, verbally abused staff and withheld resources from the department I managed. Despite all that, I made the company millions of dollars, and increased revenues and profits year over year (through a pandemic no less.) I was the number one salesperson for both locations, broke several sales records, onboarded us with numerous new vendors, and carried the tasks of at least three staff members. I developed nearly all the systems and processes, and managed the department from top-to-bottom. I also personally trained dozens of staff who were then unceremoniously fired by ownership for the slightest infraction (usually before the probation period finished so they didn't need a reason to not pay severance), often while the owner was drunk in the middle of the day. The owner had zero ethics, condoned scamming customers, abused our…

Over the last four years, the company I worked for had an awful owner who micromanaged everything, verbally abused staff and withheld resources from the department I managed. Despite all that, I made the company millions of dollars, and increased revenues and profits year over year (through a pandemic no less.) I was the number one salesperson for both locations, broke several sales records, onboarded us with numerous new vendors, and carried the tasks of at least three staff members. I developed nearly all the systems and processes, and managed the department from top-to-bottom. I also personally trained dozens of staff who were then unceremoniously fired by ownership for the slightest infraction (usually before the probation period finished so they didn't need a reason to not pay severance), often while the owner was drunk in the middle of the day.

The owner had zero ethics, condoned scamming customers, abused our business partners, and even drank all the beer I purchased for my staff to enjoy after close (30 beers!) To make things worse, they preached on-and-on about how great the “work culture” was there, when every single employee was completely depressed (the turnover rate was the highest I've seen in my entire professional career.) All in all, he is the most two-faced, ego-centric person I have ever had the displeasure of working for.

For some reason, I just kept going along with their boot on my neck though, despite other job offers coming in, and knowing my professional and ethical reputation (and self-worth) was being destroyed by enabling such a scumbag. I think it's because I loved my clients, and most especially my coworkers. We were in it together, despite getting none of the resources to do our job. I feel really bad for them in this moment, despite most of them saying they've got my back, and that it's not me letting them down, it's the owner who pushed and pushed. I still feel in a sense that I've abandoned them to the wolves. It's hard to shake. Anyways, to continue the story…

Yesterday was the straw that broke the camel's back. The owner of the company went into another public tirade, screaming obscenities at me in front of the entire showroom, more-or-less to the effect of (sans cursing), “I'm the boss, if you ever walk away from me, find a new job!” So I just grabbed my things, told everyone goodbye, and walked right out the door to never come back. And I feel so amazingly light – like a horrible invisible burden has finally sloughed off my back.

The first thing I did was call a workplace safety officer. We have relatively strong anti-harassment legislation in my province, so after consulting with the appropriate enforcement officers, I was advised to not return to the place of business. They couldn't really do anything for me, but they did tell me, it's not worth it.

I then sent the general manager a concise email regarding their legal obligations regarding payment of what they owe me by terminating me and when they need to provide it by (six calendar days.) The GM feigned ignorance, “uh, we didn't terminate you,” in an attempt to get me to stay or cop to quitting (losing my severance in the process.) In the meantime, the owner sent me six Instagram messages, three emails and dozens texts (all of which I ignored.) I responded again to the GM by writing out in detail the exact words the owner screamed at me, along with screenshots of the text messages he sent me, and then quoted all of the specific employment standards acts and workplace safety legislation they broke, and their legal obligations to provide a safe work environment as an employer. I also CC'd the entire accounting team (as they're the ones cutting the cheques) and the heads of every department in my location. No closed door meetings, no phone calls, nice and transparent. I know they're trying to say I quit now so they won't have to pay severance, but they're not getting out of the bullying and harassment that easily. “Constructive dismissal” is something I am very ready to argue in front of the powers-that-be.

I have yet to see another email response, but I'm really hoping they just cut their losses and send me that cheque (including my 4 years of severance) by the deadline. They know I understand the law better, they know I'm better equipped (years ago I had another employer screw me out of severance, I took them to tribunal, and I won all my severance plus penalties and fees.) I'm happy to take them to employment standards mediation and waste a ton of their time. And while the workplace safety officer advised me that there's not much that can be done to an owner of a company as far as penalties go, they will be sending an officer to force him to undergo anti-bullying training. The company will have to develop company-wide anti-harassment policies and reporting procedures. And every single staff member will need to be trained (on the company dollar no less.) So maybe, as bad as I feel for everyone who's stayed, things might be at least a little bit better for them.

Anyways, I received a job offer within 2 hours of quitting. My industry is small, word travels fast, and as soon as a competitor heard I was a free agent, they setup a meeting. I might try something new though. Or maybe try my own thing. I don't know. I don't even know why I shared this. I just wanted to get this out there in the ether. I want someone to know how awful this feels and how freeing at the same time. How liberated I feel to finally stand up to an ego-centric bully, but also how bad I feel for my friends who will continue to be bullied. At the very least, I'm feeling hopeful for myself for the first time in a long time. I woke up today feeling somewhat melancholy and anxious, but also without the dread I've come to welcome every morning for the last four years. It's bittersweet, but for the first time in years, I don't have someones boot on my neck.

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