
Despite being the sole server for a Saturday forcibly giving up my break, coming in on a day off and coming in 3 hours earlier than scheduled twice in a week… I got fired.

Yep. I didn't come in for them. I needed the hours but damn. I can't believe I got fucked over this hard again. It made me wonder if I am some sort of awful worker that is unemployable. “Does my AUDHD mess me up that much? Maybe I smoke too much weed? Is it possible to never make a mistake ever? Am I inflating the story to make myself not the victim … ALL the time? I'm a doormat but am I ??” Saturday, unexpectedly I had to train a server assistant and give up my break entirely to make sure she doesn't drown in the sea of sharks. I did willingly because I have a soft spot for newbies and remember when I was one. The Saturday became abnormally busy. I've never seen it get this busy before and I've been here concurrently 7 months through 2 years. It's…


I didn't come in for them. I needed the hours but damn. I can't believe I got fucked over this hard again. It made me wonder if I am some sort of awful worker that is unemployable. “Does my AUDHD mess me up that much? Maybe I smoke too much weed? Is it possible to never make a mistake ever? Am I inflating the story to make myself not the victim … ALL the time? I'm a doormat but am I ??”

Saturday, unexpectedly I had to train a server assistant and give up my break entirely to make sure she doesn't drown in the sea of sharks. I did willingly because I have a soft spot for newbies and remember when I was one.

The Saturday became abnormally busy. I've never seen it get this busy before and I've been here concurrently 7 months through 2 years. It's gotten less busy over time but not that day. I ran like a madman making sure everything was taken care of. If I had to slow down I would but as a result I forgot to train the girl and kinda resented her for being unable to help out. I had to remind myself that to a degree she didn't know what she was doing but after a poor mopping job and her telling me to “just do it” and actively swapping away from her job… My resentment grew but she's a teen and I'll let it go by 9am.

Next day I treated myself to a smoothie before noon (so I basically was 2 hours from close open close shifts) then I get called in. I needed some hours so I walked in. The assistant manager would zero in on every mistake. Any mistake made would be met as if I was a baby being chastised. At first I ignored it but it became more of an issue in the morning as I was tired and my medication doesn't kick in until an hour after taking so he basically had a free hour of criticisms. He chastized me as if I was his kid and I walked out (where I can be seen) and took 3 minutes to breathe.

I came back and let it go pretty fast. The fuck up was me pushing the wrong button to mark an allergy. (The allergy was marked… but not to remove it tho[?])

The week follows and I only work 3 days. Monday had some issues so I took a day off to sleep. Friday comes and I stay late for the assistant manager. Supposed to be 1 hour but it became 1 hour and 30 minutes. I was hangry but left quietly… Saturday? I didn't get any sleep. Finally do and my manager calls…

I get called in 3 hours early. Fuck.

I'm tired, my meds hadn't kicked in and I hadn't eaten at all. I fucked up only once however. That was due to miscommunication with an Deaf Customer and his mother. I'm autistic so English is hard as is… I couldn't understand them very well ! I had the chstomer's number because he offered last we met. I took my phone out and the assistant manager immediately called it out. I immediately let him know why I'm using my phone. Point forward he starts treating me worse until I missed something and apologize … then he makes a bunch of comments insulting me basically.

I took a deep breath and walked outside in view however the assistant manager followed me informed me that I am now fired.

This really hits ya in the self worth.

TL;DR: I, a developmentally disabled man, got fired for being treated/called stupid for
harmless mistakes repeatedly and going outside to prevent an argument at my breaking point. After doing a week's worth/15 work hours worth of favors for them. I had no strikes prior.

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