
Manager told me I don’t compliment her work enough

I like my manager as a person but she is super insecure, which infects the dynamic on our 3-person team (she even says things like she feels like it is 2 of us against her but she is the manager, like sorry but that is how it works when you're manager). Every 2-3 weeks we have 1:1 meetings with her which I quickly learned to prepare for so it is kept about work and not “feedback” as she often asks for feedback but gets super defensive about it. Well, last week in our meeting she was explaining why she suggested I include something on the website we update relating to our work and I said “yeah I understand, it was a good suggestion” and she said “oh thanks, I don't usually get compliments from you” and launched into how I compliment my direct coworker on her work but not her.…

I like my manager as a person but she is super insecure, which infects the dynamic on our 3-person team (she even says things like she feels like it is 2 of us against her but she is the manager, like sorry but that is how it works when you're manager). Every 2-3 weeks we have 1:1 meetings with her which I quickly learned to prepare for so it is kept about work and not “feedback” as she often asks for feedback but gets super defensive about it.

Well, last week in our meeting she was explaining why she suggested I include something on the website we update relating to our work and I said “yeah I understand, it was a good suggestion” and she said “oh thanks, I don't usually get compliments from you” and launched into how I compliment my direct coworker on her work but not her. This has been mentioned before but I am not keeping track of compliments slash when I compliment my coworker it is usually my way of not taking credit for work I haven't done or ideas that weren't mine. Last I checked, it is not my job to give my boss compliments because she is insecure and I feel like this is not professional?

Then this project came up where it had been agreed I would help my coworker with Canva since she has never used it, and my manager got super annoyed again and said I didn't help her with Canva when she had a question A MONTH AGO (apparently I told her to copy/paste something I had made if she wanted to repurpose it, which is helping as far as I am concerned and this was also during a busy conference we were all working at). So now I can't help my coworker because “it isn't fair” that I help my coworker on a template in Canva when I “didn't help” my manager once, a month ago.

Last vent: I am the only native English speaker on my team (I live in central Europe, am from the US) and I often get roped into doing proofreading which is okay but I have had to proofread 4 short scientific papers in the past 4 weeks, including right before this busy conference where I was organizing events and had a lot to do. Last time another one came in I made a comment like wow okay another one. My manager also said we all have work we don't want to do and I shouldn't complain so much. I don't get asked whether I have time for proofreading and it just gets added to my to-dos without notice and I usually have 5 working days to do it. She also takes it super personally that I said oh wow another one even though I recognize she is not the one offering anyone proofreading.

I am already applying to other jobs but as a non-EU person, I am waiting for my work visa to be renewed, which could arrive any time between today and the end of December. I have been waiting 3+ months already and my coworker, who is on the same visa, got hers in under 2 months. As soon as I can, I am out of here but wtf. I cannot quit until the visa comes, so that is not an option. How do I survive until December if it truly takes that long?

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