
My job is so easy, that im losing my mind

I am a pharmacy assistant. I work at a pharmacy that is literally never busy. The doctor sends like a max of 30 prescriptions a day, which I make ready in 3 minutes, and I get like 15 patients max a day. There is literally nothing to do, I’m so fucking bored and I work 9 hours. I tried reddit, reading, watching video’s, phonecall with my friends, scroll trough tiktok for hours. The time moves so fucking slow, i’ve worked at pharmacies where the situations is the opposite, and when u have a busy day, its 17.30pm in like no time

I am a pharmacy assistant. I work at a pharmacy that is literally never busy. The doctor sends like a max of 30 prescriptions a day, which I make ready in 3 minutes, and I get like 15 patients max a day.

There is literally nothing to do, I’m so fucking bored and I work 9 hours. I tried reddit, reading, watching video’s, phonecall with my friends, scroll trough tiktok for hours. The time moves so fucking slow, i’ve worked at pharmacies where the situations is the opposite, and when u have a busy day, its 17.30pm in like no time

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