
Got told off for wearing earphones.

Its an informal rule at my job to not wear earphones, even though all I do is stand at a desk packing boxes, never needing to talk to anyone, I've been hiding it by only wearing one in my right ear, closest to the wall. Got caught and they told me 'I won't tell the boss but don't do it again' so now I'm thinking I'll just slow my work and see how they feel about my loss of productivity. I don't get paid enough to be mindlessly bored so my spite is getting the better of me. Not really worried about losing my job as they have an aging workforce and there's only 2-3 other young(below 30, maybe even below 40 yo) people working here and with how busy they are, they can't afford to lose a good worker.

Its an informal rule at my job to not wear earphones, even though all I do is stand at a desk packing boxes, never needing to talk to anyone, I've been hiding it by only wearing one in my right ear, closest to the wall.

Got caught and they told me 'I won't tell the boss but don't do it again' so now I'm thinking I'll just slow my work and see how they feel about my loss of productivity.

I don't get paid enough to be mindlessly bored so my spite is getting the better of me.

Not really worried about losing my job as they have an aging workforce and there's only 2-3 other young(below 30, maybe even below 40 yo) people working here and with how busy they are, they can't afford to lose a good worker.

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