
Car Insurance Rant

Before I start, I understand the importance of car insurance. I get why it’s necessary. However, my fiancé and myself’s car insurance just went up 50% and we were not given further warning. When we called the agent we were told that the steep hike was due to inflation and that all others companies we looked at would also be pricey. A billion dollar cooperative pushing “inflation” and paying their workers a fair wage should be pushed on to us. Everything is already so incredibly expensive and keeps going up. I personally would love to not have a car. The area I live in is a suburb of Atlanta and we are known for having 0 public transportation. In order to get groceries or do anything we need a car. Am I the only one experiencing this and am I the only one who thinks this is insane?

Before I start, I understand the importance of car insurance. I get why it’s necessary. However, my fiancé and myself’s car insurance just went up 50% and we were not given further warning. When we called the agent we were told that the steep hike was due to inflation and that all others companies we looked at would also be pricey. A billion dollar cooperative pushing “inflation” and paying their workers a fair wage should be pushed on to us. Everything is already so incredibly expensive and keeps going up. I personally would love to not have a car. The area I live in is a suburb of Atlanta and we are known for having 0 public transportation. In order to get groceries or do anything we need a car. Am I the only one experiencing this and am I the only one who thinks this is insane?

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