
How is it ok for parents to use their kids for child labor?

In many places in the U.S, a child can work under the age of 14 if they’re working in a family owned business, like a restaurant or something. This is the most common in immigrant family businesses. This is sad. A child should not be working. They should be doing child things, like playing video games, doing homework or hanging out with friends. The reason the parents hire their young children is because they can pay their child way less (or nothing at all). It’s child exploitation. They exploit them for cheap or free labor.

In many places in the U.S, a child can work under the age of 14 if they’re working in a family owned business, like a restaurant or something. This is the most common in immigrant family businesses. This is sad. A child should not be working. They should be doing child things, like playing video games, doing homework or hanging out with friends. The reason the parents hire their young children is because they can pay their child way less (or nothing at all). It’s child exploitation. They exploit them for cheap or free labor.

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