
What are some talking points on the “increase in wages are bad for inflation” anti-union argument?

My dad sent me this article. Surprise, it's Newsmaxx and it's more or less a union hit piece. TLDR is unions want higher wages, this leads companies to increase costs on consumer, spiral effect. The one thing I can think of that the article convienently leads out is that when they say “to stay profitable, companies must pass on the cost” but doesn't ever suggest that maybe those leading these companies don't need golden parachutes or to be making 100:1 of their lowerst paid worker. Help me out here, my old man is smart but gets sucked into this anti-union stuff too often.

My dad sent me this article. Surprise, it's Newsmaxx and it's more or less a union hit piece. TLDR is unions want higher wages, this leads companies to increase costs on consumer, spiral effect.

The one thing I can think of that the article convienently leads out is that when they say “to stay profitable, companies must pass on the cost” but doesn't ever suggest that maybe those leading these companies don't need golden parachutes or to be making 100:1 of their lowerst paid worker.

Help me out here, my old man is smart but gets sucked into this anti-union stuff too often.

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