
What is this kindergarten bullshit?

Over the weekend management put this attendance chart up on the wall of our hospital lab, backdating it to show all the months of the year. If you didn’t have any call offs for that month, you get a fun sticker! If you called off for any reason (gave birth, mother died, COVID, etc.) you get a red for the month. If you get perfect attendance for the whole year you get a free meal at the hospital cafeteria! And the only people with “perfect attendance” so far are two couriers that work one day a week and the manager herself who can schedule herself off whenever she wants. Wtf were they thinking??

Over the weekend management put this attendance chart up on the wall of our hospital lab, backdating it to show all the months of the year. If you didn’t have any call offs for that month, you get a fun sticker! If you called off for any reason (gave birth, mother died, COVID, etc.) you get a red for the month. If you get perfect attendance for the whole year you get a free meal at the hospital cafeteria! And the only people with “perfect attendance” so far are two couriers that work one day a week and the manager herself who can schedule herself off whenever she wants. Wtf were they thinking??

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