
Atleast you Americans have it better in the sense that you got Labour laws and various other departments that take care of the legality of something illegal is happening.

Unlike my country. I am from India. And what Labour laws? What ADA? What OSHA? I work for a call centre where even discussing pay is “illegal” and grounds for termination if found. What the fuck? I got to know that nee people got hired at almost 1/4th more than what I was hired for and I'm although not fuming but atleast you people can report it and then the relevant governance kicks ass of the organization. We do not even have a minimum wage law. It's so obvious why big corporations always outsource technical to India. And we get berated by outsiders and ofcourse out own very people while getting shit pay and worked like a pig. Fucking ughh!

Unlike my country. I am from India. And what Labour laws? What ADA? What OSHA? I work for a call centre where even discussing pay is “illegal” and grounds for termination if found. What the fuck? I got to know that nee people got hired at almost 1/4th more than what I was hired for and I'm although not fuming but atleast you people can report it and then the relevant governance kicks ass of the organization. We do not even have a minimum wage law. It's so obvious why big corporations always outsource technical to India. And we get berated by outsiders and ofcourse out own very people while getting shit pay and worked like a pig. Fucking ughh!

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