
Is there something wrong with me if I don’t want to work 80 hours a week?

I recently got a job that pays reasonably well. I was working 6 days a week, 12 hours a day in an office setting. I was never paid extra for overtime and 100% of the times, staying late was unnecessary meaning it contributed zilch to productivity, if it didn't take away from it first. The boss did it to impose control, I suppose. I recently quit but I can't get the guilt out of my mind fearing I might never get the chance to make good money again and also, embarrassed at the fact that I crack under pressure. Industry: Insurance sales

I recently got a job that pays reasonably well. I was working 6 days a week, 12 hours a day in an office setting. I was never paid extra for overtime and 100% of the times, staying late was unnecessary meaning it contributed zilch to productivity, if it didn't take away from it first. The boss did it to impose control, I suppose.

I recently quit but I can't get the guilt out of my mind fearing I might never get the chance to make good money again and also, embarrassed at the fact that I crack under pressure.

Industry: Insurance sales

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