
My coworker put her personal tax returns on our office server.

I don’t know what generation you are. I am a young Millennial, and I’m happy people around my age discuss their pay with coworkers. It keeps things transparent and it allows employees to grow in their careers. Well, one of my coworkers rarely shows up when she’s supposed to and constantly calls-in sick. So much so, that she has exceeded her number of paid days off. When she does come into the office, she is on the toilet or shopping online. I’m not her supervisor and would normally not care, but it’s everyone else who gets stuck with her work and has to clean up her mistakes. Recently, I happen to find her tax return on our server and she makes $20K more than me annually. I tell this to my coworker who is primarily stuck with the extra work (and who has been at the office the longest). She’s…

I don’t know what generation you are. I am a young Millennial, and I’m happy people around my age discuss their pay with coworkers. It keeps things transparent and it allows employees to grow in their careers.

Well, one of my coworkers rarely shows up when she’s supposed to and constantly calls-in sick. So much so, that she has exceeded her number of paid days off. When she does come into the office, she is on the toilet or shopping online. I’m not her supervisor and would normally not care, but it’s everyone else who gets stuck with her work and has to clean up her mistakes. Recently, I happen to find her tax return on our server and she makes $20K more than me annually. I tell this to my coworker who is primarily stuck with the extra work (and who has been at the office the longest). She’s pissed.

Surprise, surprise: the person who does the least amount of work is the person who makes the most $$$. I told just one person, but word travels fast around the office. The result is: I’m not fired and shitty coworker isn’t fired, and us lowly salaried employees have fat raises coming at the start of the new fiscal year!

(Will keep you updated when I’m fired)

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