
Coming up on my 10 year anniversary at current job and nobody even knows

I’ve been feeling a little bummed out that I’ve been at my current concierge job for what will be 10 years this Friday. My last 2 raise requests were denied but they did raise it by one dollar more an hour yet I just don’t feel motivated anymore. The main managers make close to or more than 100k a year so they probably just view me as budget hazard if they pay me too much. I started out as a parking lot attendant gopher and worked my way up to the concierge lead manager, trainer, you name it, where I am the main go to person for pretty much everyone’s day to day problems. I definitely feel underpaid and I did speak up about it but crickets. Some of the older folks tell me that they love me and want me to be happy but they can see I’m starting…

I’ve been feeling a little bummed out that I’ve been at my current concierge job for what will be 10 years this Friday. My last 2 raise requests were denied but they did raise it by one dollar more an hour yet I just don’t feel motivated anymore. The main managers make close to or more than 100k a year so they probably just view me as budget hazard if they pay me too much. I started out as a parking lot attendant gopher and worked my way up to the concierge lead manager, trainer, you name it, where I am the main go to person for pretty much everyone’s day to day problems. I definitely feel underpaid and I did speak up about it but crickets. Some of the older folks tell me that they love me and want me to be happy but they can see I’m starting to drift off. I have no desire to spend extra team building time with my current work team. It’s full of people that run to another random manager that will coddle them because they know I don’t fall for personal sob stories. My favorite thing about work the past year has been clocking out and heading home to paint, draw and work on a/v projects so I’ll definitely be doing more of that while I try to figure out what else I want to do with my life. I don’t have a real plan yet but I would like to work somewhere that pays 70k or more a year and offers more personal time for me and my family. But yeah, I definitely don’t want to stay at a place that doesn’t realize that I’ve been reliable for 10 years and doesn’t appreciate it. I’ll just do my best to celebrate myself…for myself in the mean time.

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