
Boss told me I could use my as a reference, only to talk poorly of me

A while back I quit a job due to sexual harassment being too overwhelming from a coworker. My last day I confessed to my boss what had been happening for months. Initially I was too scared to approach her as I repeatedly was given shit for my disability from her. However, my boss immediately comforted me and encouraged me to report to hr and in the end apologized for how she treated me in light of what I told her and offered to be a reference for future jobs and complimented my work performance. After some reflection, I decided to forgive and accept her kindness and I felt so seen for the first time and like I could trust someone in my field again. I put her down for a potential dream job but not for another positon. I ended up getting a tentative offer on the second, but one…

A while back I quit a job due to sexual harassment being too overwhelming from a coworker. My last day I confessed to my boss what had been happening for months. Initially I was too scared to approach her as I repeatedly was given shit for my disability from her.

However, my boss immediately comforted me and encouraged me to report to hr and in the end apologized for how she treated me in light of what I told her and offered to be a reference for future jobs and complimented my work performance. After some reflection, I decided to forgive and accept her kindness and I felt so seen for the first time and like I could trust someone in my field again.

I put her down for a potential dream job but not for another positon. I ended up getting a tentative offer on the second, but one of my references wasn't responding so decided to email her about it not thinking very much about it. Got back a response that I could put her down but she had to be honest about my tardiness, lack of communication, and being unprepared for the job position.

To keep it simple, I had disability accomodations for flexible start times (I was also told position had a flexible schedule and that I can choose when I wanted to work, but boss backpedaled), I had telehealth appointments scheduled on short notice due to time sensitive health issues (I also often skipped appointments for work per their request but repeatedly got lectured over not telling them soon enough), and the last bit drives me crazy because we openly talked about me not having experience in a position like this.

All it made me do was sob and cry to know the person I confided about how unsafe and violated I felt could be some unsympathetic, mean, and fake. Not to mention I was led to believe I should be proud of what I accomplished and she would provide a good word for me!!

Never again ever working for less than I'm worth, got paid slightly above minimum wage and was a paycut from my last 3 jobs. Screw all these stupid science positions made for people to be taken advantage of and exploited because you should be soooo grateful to work in the field in the first place. I hate every single stuck up academic who thinks they can be the most two faced uncompassionate person in the workplace because they've got more fancy pieces of paper than me. I hate that my coworker kept his job and I spent a month and a half jobless, broke, and deeply depressed. I hate I left the job I loved before this crappy position because it was maintenance-related and I got caught up in the status of having a flashy job out of college. I hate that I felt like I had to put up with a guy constantly creeping on me and touching me because I wanted to leave a good impression on him because the entire department adored him. I hate that every other job I've brought up my disability we could have a normal conversation about it but with this job it ended up being an argument. I hate how if I called out sick I got passive aggressive messages that I hadn't notified them soon enough. I hate how often I came to work sick because I was terrified of looking bad for calling out. I hate how they made me believe I could be flexible then get angry at me for the schedule I worked to accommodate my health issues (half the reason I took the job!!). I have so much anger and it feels so good to let the world now how much hate I have for this awful, horrible, job and now I know how they really felt about me!!!

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