
So am I getting taken advantage of as a salaried employee?

I work for a small private school in Nashville as a maintenance technician, I'm exempt salary worker that pn my contract is 40 hours a week. I do not have a clear list of duties but yet I seem to do everything, kinda like the gofer for the facility. I do maintenance as well as security, IT, Grounds maintenance, deliveries and pickups, etc. I've never been on salary before and my boss(who is a good friend of over 20 years) states that it is in my contract where nothing is clearly stated. It's a very loosely based contract, and whenever I talk to him about it, he's like it's in your contract and I have literally showed it to him where there is nothing written. Basically to me it looks like you do whatever we ask of you, which I feel isn't fair. I took a paycut to come help…

I work for a small private school in Nashville as a maintenance technician, I'm exempt salary worker that pn my contract is 40 hours a week. I do not have a clear list of duties but yet I seem to do everything, kinda like the gofer for the facility. I do maintenance as well as security, IT, Grounds maintenance, deliveries and pickups, etc. I've never been on salary before and my boss(who is a good friend of over 20 years) states that it is in my contract where nothing is clearly stated. It's a very loosely based contract, and whenever I talk to him about it, he's like it's in your contract and I have literally showed it to him where there is nothing written. Basically to me it looks like you do whatever we ask of you, which I feel isn't fair. I took a paycut to come help him and he's promising me by next year I should be where I'm supposed to be for my age and experience(6+ years of maintenance/facilities work). When I ask for what I need to survive, which I found out a teacher who is barely coming in 3 days a week for a couple hours is making almost 10/hr more then me, and a throw him a number that is acceptable for what I do, he hesitates after promising me the world. I think I'm just getting used to make him look good since it's his first year here but he's been a facilities guy for years making over 6 figures and is a successful musician on the side so i think its just his narcissistic ways taking over when he promises me things. I don't know why I feel like this. I love the people and the job, but in the end I feel like I'm kinda getting fucked here, I could just be overthinking as well. All I know is thank you's and praise don't put food on the table and let me save for things I need to survive. I make decent for what I do, but still living paycheck to paycheck and getting one check a month is killing any of my dreams. I have been a grunt/workhorse my entire working life and I'm almost at the point where I want out of the rat race and want some land and just be done with it and live my life being self sufficient and happy. Sorry for the long winded and filled with grammatical errors speech, but yeah, just needed to get it off my chest. What do you guys think?

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