
It’s more than burn out and I don’t know what to do.

Idk how to title this or how to start here, amd this might be long to explain things, but… I think I need to quit my job. I've posted once or twice on this forum about my job. They've posted my position online as available, and recently my salon even staying open has been up in the air due to company contracts and such. I'm currently the only one in my corporate salon. I'm severely mentally ill, including autism, severe bipolar, depression, and anxiety with possible OCD and BPD waiting for diagnosis from my therapist. Physically, im in constant pain. I've had worsening health issues over the course of the last 3 years. I have a knee that gives out at least once a day causing me to fall or almost fall if I can catch myself in time. My hips and shoulders constantly pop in and out of place.…

Idk how to title this or how to start here, amd this might be long to explain things, but…

I think I need to quit my job. I've posted once or twice on this forum about my job. They've posted my position online as available, and recently my salon even staying open has been up in the air due to company contracts and such. I'm currently the only one in my corporate salon.

I'm severely mentally ill, including autism, severe bipolar, depression, and anxiety with possible OCD and BPD waiting for diagnosis from my therapist.

Physically, im in constant pain. I've had worsening health issues over the course of the last 3 years. I have a knee that gives out at least once a day causing me to fall or almost fall if I can catch myself in time. My hips and shoulders constantly pop in and out of place. I'm overweight, they don't want to fix these because of my weight, but I don't know if doctors understand how hard it is to lose weight when you can't even walk without pain and instability.

I have carpal tunnel and issues with my ulner nerve, to the point that my hands and fingers are either in pain or just numb. I run a salon and do hair, I need working hands.

There's a lot of other issues, but most recently I have fluid building up behind my eyes that is impacting my vision on a daily basis, causing constant headaches and migraines. The most likely cause I'm being told is a tumor or pseudo-tumor in my head but more tests and scans are pending.

So I have all of these issues and a lot of them aren't being handled or don't have an official diagnosis yet, and this is on top of what you call “burn out”.

I want to quit my job. I need to quit my job. I need to not work to make time to focus on my health and get the help i need. But what do you do after? What do you do when you need to pay bills?

I live in Oregon. State insurance OHP is good enough and I'm already on it. I've tried looking into unemployment but I have no idea if I would qualify for it if I quit; seeing as a lot of my issues are either mental or doctors just don't know what's happening to me, I have no clue if it falls under “good cause” to qualify.

So what are my options? Do I really just not have any? I've been Google searching for months and just can't find any answers. I need help. If this isn't the right place please point me in the right direction because I'm at a loss of where to even go at this point.

I shouldn't have to choose between my well being or being able to afford a roof over my head.

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