
Manager called me stupid…?

So my manager and I we’re trying to dot the i’s and cross the t’s on some paperwork because half the department is gone on vacation and so we are just trying to hang on by a thread. My manager was sitting at my desk dealing with paperwork and I was at my coworkers desk dealing with paperwork. My manager started to sound like me (kinda like they were guessing, didn’t seem like they knew what to do, they were scatter brained.) I made a funny comment about how they are starting to sound like me. They said, “yeah, it must be your chair. It sucks your brains out…” in the moment it was kinda funny and I did kinda call them out. They said they didn’t mean it like that but I don’t know… I could be over thinking but this isn’t the first issue I’ve had with them……

So my manager and I we’re trying to dot the i’s and cross the t’s on some paperwork because half the department is gone on vacation and so we are just trying to hang on by a thread.

My manager was sitting at my desk dealing with paperwork and I was at my coworkers desk dealing with paperwork.

My manager started to sound like me (kinda like they were guessing, didn’t seem like they knew what to do, they were scatter brained.) I made a funny comment about how they are starting to sound like me. They said, “yeah, it must be your chair. It sucks your brains out…” in the moment it was kinda funny and I did kinda call them out. They said they didn’t mean it like that but I don’t know…

I could be over thinking but this isn’t the first issue I’ve had with them… and I don’t think it will be the last. I do want to stay because I want to learn as much as I can because I’ve never went to school for this. But at the same time the working environment has become toxic. My coworkers are coming back soon and they are the most toxic people I’ve had to work beside.

I’m considering asking to be transferred to a job that I went to school for just so I won’t be thought less of even though I love learning about new things especially when it’s not a school environment.

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