
How common is it for an employer to pay 100% of their employees health insurance premiums?

I recently got hired on to a job after working as a temp for some time. The company advertised that it provided health, vision and dental. I was surprised to find out the health insurance was $360 a month. If I was responsible for a parter and child it would have been $1k monthly about 50% of what this job pays. I’ve only had 2 full time jobs before. The last one was in 2017. I remember not have to pay anything at all for the health insurance itself just a small amount like $10 each for vision and dental. The woman from HR almost didn’t believe me when I said this. She said she has never even heard of a company paying the full premium. She said it was probably because of how long ago it was and that’s not something that happens anymore because of Obamacare. I kind…

I recently got hired on to a job after working as a temp for some time. The company advertised that it provided health, vision and dental. I was surprised to find out the health insurance was $360 a month. If I was responsible for a parter and child it would have been $1k monthly about 50% of what this job pays. I’ve only had 2 full time jobs before. The last one was in 2017. I remember not have to pay anything at all for the health insurance itself just a small amount like $10 each for vision and dental. The woman from HR almost didn’t believe me when I said this. She said she has never even heard of a company paying the full premium. She said it was probably because of how long ago it was and that’s not something that happens anymore because of Obamacare. I kind of feel like I’m being gaslit. It’s a sh*ty factory job in the Midwest if the make a difference.

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