
9th circle of Hell

Never become a DSP. ​ I currently work for a large company based in the Northeast. I cannot necessarily speak for how they treat their clients, but their treatment of entry-level staff is atrocious. On many occasions, I have been subjected to other staff members leaving mid-shift, or not showing up at all for days, sometimes weeks on end. ​ Yet these staff members are always seemingly welcomed back as if nothing has happened. I have been worked against my will, at times doing double and even triple shifts because my relief doesn't bother to show up. Currently I'm going into a forced double, as management simply kicked the can down the road, blaming my relief(who happens to be their boss). I think this is due to a combination of miscommunication and simply not giving a shit. ​ I really am at my breaking point, and about a hairs breadth…

Never become a DSP.

I currently work for a large company based in the Northeast.

I cannot necessarily speak for how they treat their clients, but their treatment of entry-level staff is atrocious. On many occasions, I have been subjected to other staff members leaving mid-shift, or not showing up at all for days, sometimes weeks on end.

Yet these staff members are always seemingly welcomed back as if nothing has happened.

I have been worked against my will, at times doing double and even triple shifts because my relief doesn't bother to show up. Currently I'm going into a forced double, as management simply kicked the can down the road, blaming my relief(who happens to be their boss). I think this is due to a combination of miscommunication and simply not giving a shit.

I really am at my breaking point, and about a hairs breadth away from walking off my job. Unfortunately, this would constitute abandonment, and I would not only have a difficult time collecting unemployment, but finding another position in a field that would require a level of trust would prove difficult.

I heard all the bad reviews and horror stories about this company before coming in, but I didn't think it was THAT bad. In the positions I held before this, there was a certain level of mutual respect between coworkers and management. Being a DSP is an entirely different animal. You're held to a certain standard of ethics and behavior that you're expected to uphold, but it only goes one way. Upward.

You're not treated the same, unfortunately. Utterly disposable. Hopefully this is the last rant that I post, as I really need to get the hell outta this garbage industry and away from this garbage company.

If I could give anyone ANY advice about this industry, stay the hell away if you value your self-respect and your sanity.

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