
Is reporting inappropriate behaviour worth it?

Tried posting this on askHR but I'm getting nothing so I'll try here. I'm almost at the end of my seasonal contract at work but lately I've been feeling a mix of anxiety, dread, and dissociation going to work. I drive about 40 minutes to get to there, which is 80% highway driving. I have about a week and a half left but I'm feeling so anxious going there. It's a pretty laid back labour job, but there was an instance that just solidified my discomfort working there. I work in a crew with 5 other guys but we each do our own thing. If this makes any difference, I work for a county. One day, I had to tag along with one of them in order to shadow a work site. We were just making light conversation when all of the sudden, he brings up my tiredness. I tell…

Tried posting this on askHR but I'm getting nothing so I'll try here.

I'm almost at the end of my seasonal contract at work but lately I've been feeling a mix of anxiety, dread, and dissociation going to work. I drive about 40 minutes to get to there, which is 80% highway driving. I have about a week and a half left but I'm feeling so anxious going there. It's a pretty laid back labour job, but there was an instance that just solidified my discomfort working there. I work in a crew with 5 other guys but we each do our own thing. If this makes any difference, I work for a county. One day, I had to tag along with one of them in order to shadow a work site. We were just making light conversation when all of the sudden, he brings up my tiredness. I tell him it's because I didn't get enough sleep, he tells me “You should have woken up your boyfriend for a quick sesh,” which was his way of saying wake him up to have sex. That instantly made me feel uncomfortable. He's a man in his 50s and I am in my mid 20s, and I have never been close to any coworker to warrant any sort of comments like this. This was very unprompted. He's the type of guy to make noises or ask questions to fill the silence, which I hate so I just answer whatever the he'll he asks me with brief responses. That grossed me out but we moved on to the topic of work. Later on, we got on to the topic of owning land in the country that I came from, and he jokingly asked if my sister needed a husband as the country prohibited any foreign people from owning property. I quickly and tried to jokingly tell him that no, my sister is a married woman. At the end of the day, we were at a another work site and when we were walking off, he directed me back to the truck that we had to share. I don't know if this was just him trying to be nice and doing it absent-mindedly, but there was an quick moment where he laid his hand on my back. He quickly drew it back and jokingly said something about how many fingers to put on someone's back from a de-escalation course. I have no idea if I'm being dramatic here. I hate having my personal space invaded by people I dont know. Especially the little things like standing to close or touching me even when it doesn't seem inappropriate, but I never did state my boundaries. I assumed this was common knowledge and the other guys are very respectful. On most days, this man is okay. He's not my favorite coworker, but he hasn't done anything weird after this, though I do work by myself most days.

I have no idea if this can even be brought up to HR and what the repercussions are. I don't want anyone to lose their jobs or bring any kind of tension in the workplace, as the other guys are very nice to me. As I've said I only have less than two weeks left before my contract, but tomorrow I have a feeling I'll have to work with him again and the thought of it makes me want to take the day off despite my mind just saying to tough it out and tolerate him. What can I do in terms of how legible my report is to HR and the days I have to work? I feel defeated going into work now but I have bills to pay.

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