
Cleaning the Shitter Is Not in the Job Description

So, I work for a company where we inspect, clean and de-rust parts for manufacturing companies. Already the environment pretty much sucks for a number of how half the parts required to complete the job aren't in location. Several times last week, I was forced to do the job of two people because for some reason my team lead wouldn't send help after the coworker who is normally there goes on an alcoholic bender for a week. Sometimes tools needed to complete the job safely are literally being hidden away by people from another shift, (at one point a cable that I was using frayed to the extent that it started shredding apart as I am lifting flywheels over 150lbs), and in other departments have attempted getting my coworkers fired. (At least one incident I have seen in which an empty vodka bottle was placed alone in the bottom…

So, I work for a company where we inspect, clean and de-rust parts for manufacturing companies. Already the environment pretty much sucks for a number of how half the parts required to complete the job aren't in location. Several times last week, I was forced to do the job of two people because for some reason my team lead wouldn't send help after the coworker who is normally there goes on an alcoholic bender for a week.

Sometimes tools needed to complete the job safely are literally being hidden away by people from another shift, (at one point a cable that I was using frayed to the extent that it started shredding apart as I am lifting flywheels over 150lbs), and in other departments have attempted getting my coworkers fired. (At least one incident I have seen in which an empty vodka bottle was placed alone in the bottom of a trash can, very easily noticeable and from what I've been told they tried doing that before.)

But, apparently for all the millions going through our location alone, they can't hire some cleaning crew to just clean the shithole of a bathroom we have there. Pretty much randomly, I was chosen. But for the entire time I have been there it has had blackened floors and literal shit stains on the toilet seets and walls. Granted I had cleaning solutions and gloves but not really everything i needed either. Pretty much no one cleans it, maybe the floors and the trash gets taken out and that's it.

On top of that, I am expected to go out of my way to do this when I have been struggling to get the days workload finished due to all these current problems. From, not getting the parts I need on time, (sometimes the wrong parts completely), encountering ones with rust, to having to inspect and repack housings. Even when I wasn't cleaning the bathrooms, I would still have to work during some of my breaks just to get this shit done, now I have to go out of my way because these cheep mother fuckers supposedly can't afford a cleaning service or just prefer to cut corners.

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