
Employer is revoking our “paid in lieu of vacation” option and are asking for a signature on an acknowledgement form…

So I have an extra week of unused vacation this year and normally what I've done for the past few years is take the “Paid in lieu” option. Which if you don't know, pretty much gives you the money that you would be getting during a vacation without actually taking the time off. I use it to help with holiday shopping and just generally making ends meet. For my company the checks are handed out in November, around Thanksgiving. But today my boss informed me that we're unable to choose that option and any unused vacation time is being rolled into next year. I was also asked to sign a form acknowledging the changes. I haven't signed it yet mostly because I'm skeptical about whether it's just “acknowledging” or if it's moreso “forfeiting” the ability to collect on the option. What do you guys think? Is this something a company…

So I have an extra week of unused vacation this year and normally what I've done for the past few years is take the “Paid in lieu” option. Which if you don't know, pretty much gives you the money that you would be getting during a vacation without actually taking the time off. I use it to help with holiday shopping and just generally making ends meet. For my company the checks are handed out in November, around Thanksgiving. But today my boss informed me that we're unable to choose that option and any unused vacation time is being rolled into next year. I was also asked to sign a form acknowledging the changes. I haven't signed it yet mostly because I'm skeptical about whether it's just “acknowledging” or if it's moreso “forfeiting” the ability to collect on the option.

What do you guys think? Is this something a company can just surprise you with? especially only weeks before checks would've gone out. I was considering contacting HR or Payroll will a assertive email stating that I would like to have the extra check but I don't know how they'd react. I'm in New York, btw.

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