
Another Warning Story: Loyalty at Work Isn’t Real

Today I was written up for calling a coworker a bitch. I didn't call her a bitch. I said something she did was rude. And it was. But that wouldn't be reportable. The CEO is now pissed at me for my unacceptable behavior because the secondhand hearsay of his assistant who wasn't here the day I said the thing and has been working here for 6 months trumps my 9 year reputation with the company. But then, apparently everyone knows she's sucking his dick. Anyway I'm sticking around until I get the bonus I've been busting ass for then I'm out. And on my way out, you better believe I'm nuking this bridge from space.

Today I was written up for calling a coworker a bitch.

I didn't call her a bitch. I said something she did was rude. And it was. But that wouldn't be reportable.

The CEO is now pissed at me for my unacceptable behavior because the secondhand hearsay of his assistant who wasn't here the day I said the thing and has been working here for 6 months trumps my 9 year reputation with the company.

But then, apparently everyone knows she's sucking his dick.

Anyway I'm sticking around until I get the bonus I've been busting ass for then I'm out. And on my way out, you better believe I'm nuking this bridge from space.

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