
Does no one know about AIs on this sub? Or am I missing something?

I'm not talking about AI replacing people ​ I'm not talking about the greedy trying, like always in their mentally limited brain, to make money via stock trading or similar

I'm not talking about AI replacing people

I'm not talking about the greedy trying, like always in their mentally limited brain, to make money via stock trading or similar <- stock trading, how to make money because others work if slavery is illegal... we just introduce the stock market in between! sure no one will notice shareholders are like slaveowners, after all, that's why they get % profit!

So again, I'm not talking about all that.

I'm talking about something very very human that I have not seen anyone do: push to introduce AIs and more to help the workers because they care about the workers

Now, I need to make another precision: I'm not talking about creating AIs that help increase profit <- reason why AI was introduced.

No, I'm talking about no CEOs, No bosses, No government, NO UNIONS, no one is pushing for AI to be introduced to limit cases of human error.

There are tons of projects, tons of them (after all, all of them want to make the breakthrough and get paid), but what I don't see is no human pushing for such “equipment” to be added so that the humans working in their company (or representative if union) to absolutely push for such project to be perfected.

Can you imagine how much progress we would make as humans if thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of doctors would work together on a project to improve an AI system that would help filter tons of people, regardless of language (this is why we need so many, as everyone has their own way, not only language itself but also wavelengths. Just imagen how you don't understand a child but did when you where a child). Imagine such AI would that, because again, this is to work TOGETHER, such AI would help tons of doctors to communicate more efficiently with the people who need help. Including mentioning stuff that needs to be known without making the person uncomfortable (aka mental issues, trauma, dementia, old age, paranoia, so on so on).

I mean such AI to help in any kind of communication, so no more miscommunication. If you need to have some repairs done, the AI ask you to turn on the camera, it films while you speak and explain, because it sees visually it can give suggestions and if it's too much, it can create a clear report so the repair person knows exactly what they need to do + you avoid getting ripped off as they can't claim and charge you for something the AI did not notice during this filming

Imagine we take such things next level, including in court cases. Can you imagine it detects victims, including children, who were told by their abusers to keep quiet? can you imagine it helps by detecting attempts to upset or distract the audience just to not make obvious the crime they did? Can you imagine the AI is red flagging if a judge or similar is abusing their power???

Again, I'm NOT talking about companies promoting AI for efficiency, I'm not talking about them replacing humans. I'm talking about how no one is pushing for AIs to make, what I wrote and MORE, a reality. Not even unions. No one. Unless they get paid of course…

Regarding unions: can you imagine an AI who is lawfully trained, during a protest, it helps every last protestor, to file a lawsuit against the company? Sure, a lawyer or two keeps an eye, but the AI (1 paid subscription is enough since the free one is no good sadly… and surprisingly I guess…) generate the information and everything so it saves a lot of time. Can you imagine the whole: employees are monitoring us, will be replaced with AIs who yes, will only be “upset” if you are really not working. But if you sneeze, think, go use the bathroom, nothing since the AI was taught via union and more to treat humans as humans and not robots. This also is a win-win for everyone since as much antiwork we are, we still want people to do their jobs. But also, we don't want employees to spy on us like they are our slave owners.

Push for AIs since companies are heavily pushing for it, and all they care about is profit, so they will replace everyone with AIsis since they only want slaves or robots (if you don't believe me, then tell me, if slavery was legal, would your company hesitate to buy slaves?), and so the workers also need to keep up with companies via AIs and more.

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