
I work remotely at a Call Center and my manager has increasingly been becoming hostile towards me since I, and another, reported her to HR. Should I quit or wait to be fired? I’m looking for another job.

I work remotely at a call center and I was recently transferred to a new team along with another new coworker. We have both encountered very hostile rude and abrasive management from the new manager. This includes public shaming in meetings and denying all of our requests which previously were all approved on the former team. The new manager also claims everything is insubordination and has a system where we are written up for everything. My coworkerwas placed on a final and I have encountered multiple write ups for small things. She won't talk to us first. She just writes us up. Our numbers have fallen. Our morale is low. We are both hurriedly looking for a new job. On this managers team she has a team of 'Seniors' which are nothing more than glorified call center reps with added responsibilities around her that micromanage everything we do and that…

I work remotely at a call center and I was recently transferred to a new team along with another new coworker. We have both encountered very hostile rude and abrasive management from the new manager. This includes public shaming in meetings and denying all of our requests which previously were all approved on the former team. The new manager also claims everything is insubordination and has a system where we are written up for everything. My coworkerwas placed on a final and I have encountered multiple write ups for small things. She won't talk to us first. She just writes us up.

Our numbers have fallen. Our morale is low. We are both hurriedly looking for a new job.

On this managers team she has a team of 'Seniors' which are nothing more than glorified call center reps with added responsibilities around her that micromanage everything we do and that pour over our numbers daily. Many of them are also very aggressive. We have to email 8 people including the manager when we are 1 minute late or need to leave work early or need to ask for assistance.

That too makes me uncomfortable.

We are both looking for new jobs. Should I go ahead and quit? Or just wait to be fired? To try and get unemployment?

I've been working for the company almost a year and my salary is $43K a year.

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