
Update on the overkill boss’s day gift and treating boss to lunch.

My two coworkers (the one whose idea this was obviously being one of them) decided to present our boss her card and gift while myself and my newest coworker were on the phone with clients. We didn’t even get to be involved in presenting to her what we contributed to. They just went into her office and handed her the gifts without us. My boss never stopped at my desk and said thank you or anything. So I’m not sure if that was her being absent minded or I wasn’t even mentioned as being a contributor. I stuck with my plans to go spend my lunch how I wanted. And thank goodness, because the boss ended up picking the most expensive restaurant in the area!! My coworker, who also wasn’t included in the presentation of the gift, didn’t go to their lunch either. He had lunch with his wife instead.…

My two coworkers (the one whose idea this was obviously being one of them) decided to present our boss her card and gift while myself and my newest coworker were on the phone with clients. We didn’t even get to be involved in presenting to her what we contributed to. They just went into her office and handed her the gifts without us.

My boss never stopped at my desk and said thank you or anything. So I’m not sure if that was her being absent minded or I wasn’t even mentioned as being a contributor.

I stuck with my plans to go spend my lunch how I wanted. And thank goodness, because the boss ended up picking the most expensive restaurant in the area!! My coworker, who also wasn’t included in the presentation of the gift, didn’t go to their lunch either. He had lunch with his wife instead. So I was not the only one.

The whole day my coworker, that organized all this bs, was very dismissive of me. I couldn’t do anything right. She all but gave me the silent treatment. I didn’t care. She has absolutely zero right to give me the cold shoulder because I chose to spend my lunch how I want and not spend more money I do not have! Her behavior will be a ringing endorsement to any future situations like this and my refusal to participate. If you can treat someone like this because they legitimately do not have money just throw around, I don’t really know what to say about you.

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