
Anyone else find the care/support work industry to be really sketchy? Or is that every industry

Before this I worked in a Library and as a nanny, and in landscaping. All these jobs were good except the landscaping boss I had was crazy lol, so that was interesting. But besides that it was ok. I ended up working in a Long Term Care home for a while and did like it a lot and when I moved I decided to work in that area of work again since I was finding it hard to get work in other areas where I live. I won't get into all the stuff but I have now worked for four different companies and two people privately, and I have been lied to multiple times by my employers, seen some illegal stuff, seen residents suffer because management is just disorganized, and I have had management been disorganized to the point of not being able to even get me a schedule to…

Before this I worked in a Library and as a nanny, and in landscaping. All these jobs were good except the landscaping boss I had was crazy lol, so that was interesting. But besides that it was ok. I ended up working in a Long Term Care home for a while and did like it a lot and when I moved I decided to work in that area of work again since I was finding it hard to get work in other areas where I live. I won't get into all the stuff but I have now worked for four different companies and two people privately, and I have been lied to multiple times by my employers, seen some illegal stuff, seen residents suffer because management is just disorganized, and I have had management been disorganized to the point of not being able to even get me a schedule to work and breaking my contract – I should be working right now but it's taken them a month to figure out the scheduling. I am in school atm so hopefully I won't be stuck in this industry forever, but before this I NEVER had issues at my other jobs that was like this. Things were straight forward. Is this a specific thing for the care industry or am I have a string of bad luck? Where I live atm it is really hard to get jobs, a lot of people are struggling, but care jobs are always hiring and are always understaffed.

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