
Manager put up a don’t discuss pay sign

So I work in an office with like 35 employees. Recently our manager put up a sign saying “Employees are not to discuss salaries inside or outside work, if an employee has an issue with there own pay please come and see me, please sign here to show you understand.” The first person to sign it was a complete legend. He wrote his name, his position time at the company and his full salary package including his pension contribution and annual leave. Everyone followed his example and when the page ran out of space people put up additional pages until almost everyone had put there salary up there. So everyone learned what everyone else was earning and it turns out some people were being taken advantage of…by a lot.

So I work in an office with like 35 employees.
Recently our manager put up a sign saying

“Employees are not to discuss salaries inside or outside work, if an employee has an issue with there own pay please come and see me, please sign here to show you understand.”

The first person to sign it was a complete legend.
He wrote his name, his position time at the company and his full salary package including his pension contribution and annual leave.

Everyone followed his example and when the page ran out of space people put up additional pages until almost everyone had put there salary up there.

So everyone learned what everyone else was earning and it turns out some people were being taken advantage of…by a lot.

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