
How long of time did you take off if your parent died?

My mom might be near end of life. I already told my boss. I planned either 1-2 months to take off with FMLA. My mom is basically all the family I have. Like I am spiraling due to holidays as she's the only one I see. Without her, I'm alone. And to be completely honest, I am struggling already. My sink is full of dishes (tallest pile I've ever had), a week behind vacuuming. I plan to attack dishes, but it's like I'm frozen. My job is a huge stressor. I can't afford to take more time off, PTO is used up. And I mentally keeping in mind of the 1-2 months of savings I have for when things get worse, including possible airfare to California to see a friend as she's the closest I have to family. I am just seeing if 1-2 months is too much. I believe…

My mom might be near end of life. I already told my boss. I planned either 1-2 months to take off with FMLA. My mom is basically all the family I have. Like I am spiraling due to holidays as she's the only one I see. Without her, I'm alone. And to be completely honest, I am struggling already. My sink is full of dishes (tallest pile I've ever had), a week behind vacuuming. I plan to attack dishes, but it's like I'm frozen.

My job is a huge stressor. I can't afford to take more time off, PTO is used up. And I mentally keeping in mind of the 1-2 months of savings I have for when things get worse, including possible airfare to California to see a friend as she's the closest I have to family.

I am just seeing if 1-2 months is too much. I believe with FMLA I have up to 6 months.

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