
F Dishonest corporate hiring

After a string of bad luck, I’d really like to learn more on how to protect my career from dishonest corporate hiring manoeuvres. Any resources or recommendations would be appreciated. 2 years ago my career path was frozen because the corporation transplanted 2 employees from a failed account into the one i operated . The transplanted employees received higher position, essentially taking a promotion I was due for however were not qualified and eventually left or were flushed out. The experience was frustrating enough for me to leave the company and advanced my career / experience in a higher position Next job, with a public company I took a 18mo contract which is standard for most public organizations only to be replaced at the end of the term by an individual who had been 15 years in the org who’s department was dismantled- forced to train the individual on how…

After a string of bad luck, I’d really like to learn more on how to protect my career from dishonest corporate hiring manoeuvres. Any resources or recommendations would be appreciated.

2 years ago my career path was frozen because the corporation transplanted 2 employees from a failed account into the one i operated . The transplanted employees received higher position, essentially taking a promotion I was due for however were not qualified and eventually left or were flushed out. The experience was frustrating enough for me to leave the company and advanced my career / experience in a higher position

Next job, with a public company I took a 18mo contract which is standard for most public organizations only to be replaced at the end of the term by an individual who had been 15 years in the org who’s department was dismantled- forced to train the individual on how to do my job it is clear they we’re not hired on merit and continue to flounder in front of me

Infuriating how companies can pull these manoeuvres and not have to answer- I feel like fighting it would take more energy than it’s worth and not worth the slap on the wrist outcome

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