
Manager at New Job Fucked Up Schedule AGAIN. Think I’m Gonna Leave.

For some context, I got hired as a part-time cashier, and I’m a full-time student so I asked to be scheduled 5-hour shifts for certain days and not to be scheduled for others, specifically MonWedFri because I have classes, and it was completely fine with the managers I spoke with. They both had written it down each time, during both interviews, onboarding, and training. Earlier this week, I checked my schedule for the next two weeks and saw I was scheduled for this Monday, next Monday, and next Friday. I texted one of the managers through this app to try to get their approval of my availability in some kind of writing without seeming suspicious of him, and he ended up calling me back (which I found weird that he didn’t wanna type the reply, but I digress) to say he forgot and to come in this Tuesday. In my…

For some context, I got hired as a part-time cashier, and I’m a full-time student so I asked to be scheduled 5-hour shifts for certain days and not to be scheduled for others, specifically MonWedFri because I have classes, and it was completely fine with the managers I spoke with. They both had written it down each time, during both interviews, onboarding, and training. Earlier this week, I checked my schedule for the next two weeks and saw I was scheduled for this Monday, next Monday, and next Friday. I texted one of the managers through this app to try to get their approval of my availability in some kind of writing without seeming suspicious of him, and he ended up calling me back (which I found weird that he didn’t wanna type the reply, but I digress) to say he forgot and to come in this Tuesday. In my opinion, it’s a little irresponsible to just forget someone’s availability and just schedule them whenever, especially with their application in your possession, but I digress again.

I hadn’t been scheduled at all for this weekend, and I wasn’t told to come in during the phone call, so I just assumed I wasn’t needed until Tuesday. Because of my ADHD, I now check the app for the schedule and see that he scheduled me for an 8-hour shift literally in a few hours, after telling me to come in Tuesday, and knowing I’m part-time and asked for 5-hour shifts. One thing I realized and don’t like is that the app doesn’t notify you when you get scheduled for a shift, so you basically have to check it every day in case you’re scheduled; I already hate having to do it for my classes, now I gotta do it for a job too?? Maybe he was just referring to those shifts I mentioned specifically when he said to come on Tuesday, but he could’ve just told me to come in for this weekend instead of Tuesday since I wasn’t scheduled at all for this weekend. Also, I’m STILL scheduled for a Monday and Friday. This feels like too much hassle for a pet store with plenty of staff; I never struggled this much with my availability when I worked at an understaffed G00dwill. If it’s gonna be like this every time, I don’t think I can put up with it; it shouldn’t be this hard to get my schedule together. I wanna hope this is just the manager being a forgetful old coot, even though I think you can’t really be forgetful when you have documents to help you, but don’t say you’re okay with my schedule if you’re really not.

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