
One way to fully escape “work” is to be a hermit and live in the wilderness

Our ancestors have lived in the wilderness, and they turned out fine. Right now, there's still some African hunter-gatherer tribes living in the Safari of South Africa (forgot what they're called), still conserving their hunter-gatherer lifestyles, and for the most part they are doing fine. If you feel depressed living paycheck to paycheck, and know damn well you're never making it big at all, then living in the wilderness could be a considerable option. Agree or disagree?

Our ancestors have lived in the wilderness, and they turned out fine. Right now, there's still some African hunter-gatherer tribes living in the Safari of South Africa (forgot what they're called), still conserving their hunter-gatherer lifestyles, and for the most part they are doing fine. If you feel depressed living paycheck to paycheck, and know damn well you're never making it big at all, then living in the wilderness could be a considerable option.

Agree or disagree?

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