
Have you ever walked out on a job before?

My boyfriend walked out on his job 2 days ago. He had been working there about 4 months and pretty much the majority of it he has been essentially bullied. His friend works there and said people have called him stupid behind his back. He's had people “tell” on him about stuff that wasn't even really anything. And been publicly singled out several times unnecessarily. The last straw was a couple weeks ago he was really ill and called in sick. Someone decided to start a rumour that he was faking it and went out clubbing, as his friend who works there went out clubbing and posted it online. People have been talking about it and spreading it around ever since it happened. 2 days ago one of his colleagues was asking him if he was okay now after being ill & then his manager started hounding him saying she…

My boyfriend walked out on his job 2 days ago. He had been working there about 4 months and pretty much the majority of it he has been essentially bullied. His friend works there and said people have called him stupid behind his back. He's had people “tell” on him about stuff that wasn't even really anything. And been publicly singled out several times unnecessarily.

The last straw was a couple weeks ago he was really ill and called in sick. Someone decided to start a rumour that he was faking it and went out clubbing, as his friend who works there went out clubbing and posted it online. People have been talking about it and spreading it around ever since it happened.

2 days ago one of his colleagues was asking him if he was okay now after being ill & then his manager started hounding him saying she “knows” he was faking it and went out clubbing and that she had proof. It got so heated my boyfriend started crying and stormed out. The next day he gave in his resignation letter.

He's going to file a formal complaint about his manager now as she's been rude to him before and singled him out and treated him like he's dumb. Overall his experience working there was horrible and he said it felt like he was in school again being bullied by everyone.

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