
Guess I don’t get any vacation time

I drive truck for a small construction company. I put in for time off this coming Friday like 4 and a half months ago as this year we have been given actual vacation time for the first time ever. Found out last week that it was approved but since winter is coming and there’s alot of last minute jobs the company decided to take on that need to be completed before winter starts that I would not be allowed to take that time off. Everyone else at this place has had their full vacation time and even extra this year and I’m the only person who hasn’t used any of it and I was only asking for 3 days. Surely the others would be able to get by without me for 3 days as I have had to do all year long when they went on vacation. I want to…

I drive truck for a small construction company. I put in for time off this coming Friday like 4 and a half months ago as this year we have been given actual vacation time for the first time ever. Found out last week that it was approved but since winter is coming and there’s alot of last minute jobs the company decided to take on that need to be completed before winter starts that I would not be allowed to take that time off. Everyone else at this place has had their full vacation time and even extra this year and I’m the only person who hasn’t used any of it and I was only asking for 3 days. Surely the others would be able to get by without me for 3 days as I have had to do all year long when they went on vacation. I want to give the place the one finger salute as I walk out the door but I need this fucking job so I can continue to pay bills and not be homeless but honestly I’m pretty pissed off over it and I’m not far from quitting as I’ve been worked like a rented mule all year long and treated like shit by upper management. Why is it so hard to just let someone have some form of vacation it’s not like I’m asking for that much for christs sake

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