
Had to go back to work after getting shot in the fucking head.

This is not me but is a first person account of an incident that happened at at SAC base back in the 80s or 90s. Context. I'm an ex Air Force and retired airline pilot. One day on an airline trip a fellow pilot told me a story (as we did) about when he was in the Air Force. He was a B-52 pilot somewhere, I forget where . Those guys had to live on base for certain periods and be ready to go at a moments notice. Also, they had to go to the flight line periodically and check out their airplanes while they were on alert on base. Anyway, on one alert and on one stroll out to their airplane, their navigator got shot in the head with a M-16 by a security guard. This was in broad daylight with everyone in uniform. From after the fact info,…

This is not me but is a first person account of an incident that happened at at SAC base back in the 80s or 90s. Context. I'm an ex Air Force and retired airline pilot. One day on an airline trip a fellow pilot told me a story (as we did) about when he was in the Air Force. He was a B-52 pilot somewhere, I forget where . Those guys had to live on base for certain periods and be ready to go at a moments notice. Also, they had to go to the flight line periodically and check out their airplanes while they were on alert on base.

Anyway, on one alert and on one stroll out to their airplane, their navigator got shot in the head with a M-16 by a security guard. This was in broad daylight with everyone in uniform. From after the fact info, the security guard had a moment of weirdness (?) come over him and put the navigator (who was a black dude which may have been a factor) in his sights and pulled the trigger. He later claimed he didn't mean too. Ooops! Luckily, he wasn't a great shot and the bullet just grazed the navigators head. Still, the nav had to go to the hospital and get treated which included a big turban like bandage on his head. The security guard, of course, got arrested.

The kicker was, they made the navigator go back on alert with his crew and finish out his alert which was 24 hours or something, or greater, I don't remember, maybe a week. He got shot in the head and still had to go back to work. That was one of the great stories I got told in my 30 some odd years as a Delta pilot.

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