
Have to See My Boss After Bad Reaction When I Quit

I quit my job on Friday with no notice because the environment was extremely abusive and toxic and I could not remain there any longer. My boss had the worst possible reaction, she yelled at me for 10 minutes straight calling me irresponsible, unprofessional, a bad employee, ungrateful and said that if I did not stay with them for 4 weeks while they found a new employee she would pursue legal action. She doesn’t really have any grounds for this so I ignored all of this. I have to go return my badge and keys tomorrow and I am afraid she will have a similar or worse reaction and yell at me in front of the team. This is causing me a significant amount of anxiety as I am not a confrontational person and do not know how to handle the situation. Any advice?

I quit my job on Friday with no notice because the environment was extremely abusive and toxic and I could not remain there any longer. My boss had the worst possible reaction, she yelled at me for 10 minutes straight calling me irresponsible, unprofessional, a bad employee, ungrateful and said that if I did not stay with them for 4 weeks while they found a new employee she would pursue legal action. She doesn’t really have any grounds for this so I ignored all of this. I have to go return my badge and keys tomorrow and I am afraid she will have a similar or worse reaction and yell at me in front of the team. This is causing me a significant amount of anxiety as I am not a confrontational person and do not know how to handle the situation. Any advice?

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