
Piece of crap software is stealing our hours

My job decided to shift to a new software that shows our work orders and also let’s us log our time. Our previous software didn’t really have anything wrong with it, but I guess employees who do office work were running into issues. But now we’ve changed to this (obviously cheaper) new software that has horrendous user interface. But that’s not the real problem. I started noticing that my pay checks seemed a little off. So I started looking back over my logged hours, and without fail, almost every day, the software would just delete my time for a whole job that we completed. That adds up over a whole week. One time, it didn’t even keep my hours for two whole days. It was logging the hours, but it wasn’t registering??? It’s all crap. I talked to some other employees in the field and they said they too are…

My job decided to shift to a new software that shows our work orders and also let’s us log our time. Our previous software didn’t really have anything wrong with it, but I guess employees who do office work were running into issues.

But now we’ve changed to this (obviously cheaper) new software that has horrendous user interface. But that’s not the real problem. I started noticing that my pay checks seemed a little off. So I started looking back over my logged hours, and without fail, almost every day, the software would just delete my time for a whole job that we completed. That adds up over a whole week. One time, it didn’t even keep my hours for two whole days. It was logging the hours, but it wasn’t registering??? It’s all crap.

I talked to some other employees in the field and they said they too are losing hours, and they seem quite upset about it. But when I talked to management, they put the ball back in my court and said I just need to make sure I’m checking my hours at the end of the day. So far, I have not heard any plans to resolve this issue and it’s quite infuriating. So now I have to write down my time the old fashioned way every day.

TLDR: New crappy software randomly deletes hours and management acts like they can’t do anything about it.

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