
Bigot Boss Thinks He’s Smart

Place: USA I work for a large telecommunications company. Before joining this company, I managed multiple facilities for a large retail organization for years. I’ve changed departments a few times during my tenure with my current company. Most recently I began working in the “dream” department. I’ve been in my current position for about a year. When I first started in my current position, my boss started to test the waters on what my political alignment is. When I was hired for this position, I was promised 4-day work weeks and limited travel. I only see this guy in person once every quarter. Otherwise our interactions are via email and completely professional. I think it is important to point out that I am the only non-white person in my department. Subsequent to my being hired, one other non-white person has been hired and fired for reasons that are very spurious…

Place: USA

I work for a large telecommunications company. Before joining this company, I managed multiple facilities for a large retail organization for years. I’ve changed departments a few times during my tenure with my current company. Most recently I began working in the “dream” department. I’ve been in my current position for about a year. When I first started in my current position, my boss started to test the waters on what my political alignment is.

When I was hired for this position, I was promised 4-day work weeks and limited travel. I only see this guy in person once every quarter. Otherwise our interactions are via email and completely professional.

I think it is important to point out that I am the only non-white person in my department. Subsequent to my being hired, one other non-white person has been hired and fired for reasons that are very spurious (somewhat topical but not necessarily germane to my situation). Within the entire organization there are very few, if any, people of color in leadership positions.

The most apt label for my political views would be Market Socialism. I believe in commerce. I also think that the people who benefit the most from the investment of the labor class should foot the bill on making the that workers are housed, fed and given medical care and that those same people should shoulder more of the burden of funding our government and infrastructure. After all, we’re the ones doing the work. Essentially, I think the minimum standard of living for everyone should be commensurate with the wealth of our nation.

My boss is a hardcore Trumper. I don’t mean he just supports the guy politically. I mean that, without solicitation, he regurgitates talking points that indicate that he holds the former president at a level of regard that would befit a divinely appointed and infallible monarch rather than an elected official. Along with that weird dedication to a total stranger comes all of the political trappings one could probably infer.

Effectively, this man is a violently politically ignorant weirdo who is obsessed with trying to defeat opponents in policy debates. And he seeks out opponents by challenging people constantly.

Now that we have some background on the players:

One day, not long after I joined the department, my boss was asking me questions about my time in the department I had just left. And I explained to him a situation where in one of my coworkers was asking me about my pay. Which is fine. But because the culture of this workplace is not one in which most people are interested in sharing this information, I declined.

My boss then says, “You aren’t allowed to talk about that anyway.”

I replied, “No. YOU aren’t allowed to say THAT.”

Bear in mind, this was just me being a bro and letting him know that he can put himself and the company in legal jeopardy by forbidding that type of speech.

Boss, “It’s a company policy.”

Me, “I promise it isn’t. That’s a violation of the FLSA.”

Suffice it to say, I made a grave mistake here by wounding his ego. Which is absolutely on me. However, his response to this insult to his image is completely on him. And it didn’t take long for him to begin his campaign of obnoxiousness.

A few months later he was in town for his quarterly visit. During our meeting he announced that we would no longer be working 4-day weeks and instead be working 5-day weeks. The number of work hours expected would not change.

Which is not awesome. But what can I do? Things change sometimes and that was not a hill I was ready to die on. But when I asked for clarification on what the rationale behind the change was, he replied, “I don’t know why you’re being ungrateful. This isn’t a union gig.”

Me, “What does a union have to do with anything here?”

Boss, “I’m just saying it’d be a lot worse if it was.”

Left-field. I was completely confused by this tangent. Mostly because it had nothing to do with anything we were discussing. But also because I came from a union household. I opted to not share that.

Moving forward to a subsequent quarterly visit:

Boss, “Your boy Biden is doing great job running the country.”

Me, “He’s not my boy.”

Boss, “Didn’t you vote for him? I thought all you liberals loved Biden.”

Me, “I’m not a liberal. Also, why are we talking about this?”

Boss, “If you’re not a liberal, what are you?”

Me silent

Boss, “Are you a communist?”

Me, “No, honestly, man, if you must know, I’m a market socialist.”

Boss, “You know there was a time when we would round up socialists and kill them. We should go back to that.”

The poor kid who was standing there when he said that looked like he had seen a ghost.

I tried to reel him back in.

I asked, “You want me to die?” thinking this would give him pause to consider the implications. But instead he remained silent and walked away.

Our most recent quarterly encounter was the tipping point for me.

Out of nowhere, my boss starts happily sharing the details of an intraorganizational email he received.

Boss, “She put her pronouns in her signature. So I put mine ‘FA/FO.’” I don’t know why we tell people who are obviously mentally ill that they’re not. We need to stop making it okay.”

A friend from my previous department was in earshot. This friend has a partner who is afab nonbinary. He reported it to HR. HR contacted me and I substantiated the report. I also reported the numerous other incidents (there are many). About two months goes by and I received an anonymous call from HR.

Typically when HR calls the caller ID has information on the caller. So, it struck me as odd that this call didn’t. Then I remembered that when they group call it comes back anonymously.

HR proceeded to question me about something nitpicky. Which I offered nothing other than my thanks for clarification. But used the opportunity to check on the status of my previous complaints.

I laid everything out on the table. The call took about 40 minutes. I’m certain that my boss was also on the line.

In three weeks I will start a new job and be quitting without notice. My entire team is also leaving. I’m looking forward to my exit survey. I will bury him.

Anyway I just wanted to share and if you’re interested in the results I will update.


Tl;dr Trumper boss is retaliating and I am burning the house down on my way out the door.

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