
Today is 8 years anniversary of me quitting 9 to 5. Here’s me giving back.

Hi everyone! Greetings from Incheon, Korea. I couldn't help but notice a lot of people here looking for either work or tips on how to get started in this new world. As I've somehow been in this for the vast majority of my adult life, I want to give back a little: There are 2 best ways to get started. And it comes down to your current situation and your risk tolerance. If you already have big responsibilities like a mortgage, kids, etc., or you just can't handle too much risk – it's best to start slower. But now. Do you already have a job? Amazing. Start by using your free time, lunch time, weekends. If you're someone young who can handle a big amount of risk, like I was when I was getting started – you can burn your chair. When I started – I saved $10.000, quit my…

Hi everyone! Greetings from Incheon, Korea.

I couldn't help but notice a lot of people here looking for either work or tips on how to get started in this new world.

As I've somehow been in this for the vast majority of my adult life, I want to give back a little:
There are 2 best ways to get started. And it comes down to your current situation and your risk tolerance.

If you already have big responsibilities like a mortgage, kids, etc., or you just can't handle too much risk – it's best to start slower. But now.

Do you already have a job? Amazing. Start by using your free time, lunch time, weekends.
If you're someone young who can handle a big amount of risk, like I was when I was getting started – you can burn your chair.

When I started – I saved $10.000, quit my job, bought my plane ticket to Australia, and that left me with 4 months to make it work or I become homeless in a huge island.
There is no better motivator than fear.

My risk turned out completely fine and after 2 months I started making more money than I used to make in my full-time job. It's much easier when you're left with no choice.

Ok, so where do you start?

This isn't really too complicated.

You need a skill that you can turn into a service, and you need to find people who would pay for it.

So let's say it's writing.

If you think you're already good enough for someone to pay you – good.

If you're not – become good enough.

You're lucky, because there are so many free resources I won't even get into that.

My biggest tip for acquiring a skill:
There's a saying “show me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.”

I would change it into “show me your instagram, tiktok and facebook feed and I will tell you who you are.”

What I mean is, you use reddit? Leave the subreddits that won't get you where you want to be.

Join the ones that will get you closer.

Do the same with facebook, instagram and tiktok. Change your algorithms. Make them always remind you about working online, about the beauty of becoming your own boss, about the skill you want to acquire.

Then create a study plan, use youtube and other resources.

Give yourself 90 days.

Don't be afraid to work on your first client without too much knowledge.

The truth is, there are SO MANY service providers who have no idea what they are doing.

So please just don't be afraid to start early.

What you can provide instead is honesty and transparency.

Create a connection, work for free and build either a case study out of it or get a testimonial. This will be your starting point.

I don't want to make a book out of this post, so if you show interest, I will later share some more stuff about how to actually find clients and much more.

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