
Manager doesn’t know how to do her fucking job (19m)

Let me start off by saying that I like my job. MOST of the people there I have no issue with. However, there is this one manager that everybody hates. She's new so she feels like she has to follow every policy to the letter no matter what. Table of 8 walks in 10 minutes before we close? She still seats them. Customer calls saying we didn't give them any of their sides even though we checked the bag before we handed it to them? They get free food. She always has something to say. She once told me I was wiping a table the wrong direction, instead of going in circles I had to go with the wood grain so I didn't leave streaks. Stfu. Anyways, despite treating every other policy as law, she doesn't seem to understand how time off works. The policy is you have to request…

Let me start off by saying that I like my job. MOST of the people there I have no issue with. However, there is this one manager that everybody hates. She's new so she feels like she has to follow every policy to the letter no matter what. Table of 8 walks in 10 minutes before we close? She still seats them. Customer calls saying we didn't give them any of their sides even though we checked the bag before we handed it to them? They get free food. She always has something to say. She once told me I was wiping a table the wrong direction, instead of going in circles I had to go with the wood grain so I didn't leave streaks. Stfu.

Anyways, despite treating every other policy as law, she doesn't seem to understand how time off works. The policy is you have to request it 2 weeks in advance so that they can find someone else to work that day. I put in a request a month before only for the day to arrive and still seeing my name on the schedule. I asked her why and she just said “oh, I denied it”. Again, I asked her why and she said it's because the only person available to cover my shift that day would be her and she doesn't feel like she should have to do the extra work just so that I can 'go to a party or whatever'

This pissed me the fuck off so I decided to pull out my phone and call my grandma. She had been planning this big dinner at her favorite restaurant for her birthday so I made a big show of telling her that I couldn't make it because my manager couldn't be bothered to cover my shift. It's not even that she didn't cover it, she intentionally scheduled me even though I let them know a month in advance that I couldn't work that day. I ended up trading shifts with one of my coworkers and working in the morning instead, but I'm still mad about the whole thing. I don't know how this bitch hasn't been fired yet.

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