
I wrote this 9 years ago on Facebook when I was working at Barnes and Noble. I was ignorant enough to think I could work my way up. Big mistake. I wish I knew this sub existed back then. Would have saved me lots of time.

I posted a pledge not to shop on thanksgiving and it got me thinking of something that's been going around my head lately: I most assuredly will be working that day (and the next) because I am very experienced in the store. I know my way around almost every section. And to my regret, this has become problematic. You see, I want to sell books. Fiction to be precise. Sci fi and Fantasy to be even more specific. I'm good at it. I know the genres, I've read a lot. And I can guarantee I can find anyone a book they will enjoy based on what they have read. So whats the problem? The problem is I'm not utilized in that way. Instead, I'm the leak plugger. Someone from the music department quits? Put Charlie24601 in there. Kids department lead on vacation? Charlie24601 can do it. Low on cashiers? Where's…

I posted a pledge not to shop on thanksgiving and it got me thinking of something that's been going around my head lately:

I most assuredly will be working that day (and the next) because I am very experienced in the store. I know my way around almost every section. And to my regret, this has become problematic.

You see, I want to sell books. Fiction to be precise. Sci fi and Fantasy to be even more specific. I'm good at it. I know the genres, I've read a lot. And I can guarantee I can find anyone a book they will enjoy based on what they have read.

So whats the problem? The problem is I'm not utilized in that way. Instead, I'm the leak plugger. Someone from the music department quits? Put Charlie24601 in there. Kids department lead on vacation? Charlie24601 can do it. Low on cashiers? Where's Charlie24601…

Its my fault I guess. I WANTED to be trained everywhere. I wanted to be needed and perhaps work my way up a bit.

And that leads me to my problem: I am valuable. But not valuable enough to give me what I want to do. I'm valuable because I am trained to do the shit work.

But do I get any extra pay for that? Nope.

So basically it comes down to this: This job (and many others) BREEDS laziness. There is seriously no reason to be trained in more things around the shop. I'm trained everywhere, and I just get shit on.

So let this be a lesson to you kids: Keep your heads down, do the least amount of training possible, and you'll still get paid the same amount as the people who work harder to become more invaluable.

Ironically, back then I actually trained a number of managers, and even a store manager.

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